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Романовская Елена Владимировна

Ассистент кафедры химии, технологии электрохимических производств и материалов электронной техники

Ученая степень: Кандидат химических наук

Ученое звание: -

Рабочее место: к. 353 корп. 4

e-mail: Kryshilovich@belstu.by

Окончила в 2009 году БГТУ по специальности охрана окружающей среды и рациональное использование природных ресурсов. В 2012 году окончила аспирантуру с присвоением научной квалификации «Исследователь» по спецальности 02.00.01 - неорганическая химия. Работает на кафедре ОиНХ с 2009 года.

Читает курсы лекций: «Теоретичесие основы химии» , «Неорганическая химия» для студентов заочного факультета

Направление научных исследований: Переработка и регенерация промышленных металлосодержащих отходов, кинетика и механизмы химических и электрохимических процессов.

Опубликовано: 45 научных работ

Соавтор: 2 изобретений

Список основных публикаций:


1. Method of utilization of sulfuric acid production spent vanadium catalysts: pat. 17007 Republic of Belarus : B01J 23/92, С01G 31/00 (2011) / S.E. Orekhova, E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo; published: 30.04.2013.

Patent applications:

1. Mass for ceramic material: a 20130930 Republic of Belarus: С04B 38/08 / E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, A.V. Gibkhin, I.M. Zharski ; published: 30.04.2015.

2. Method of utilization of sulfuric acid production spent vanadium catalyst: a 20140566 Republic of Belarus: B01J 23/92, С01G 31/00 (2006/01) / E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski : appl. date.: 28.10.2014.

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers:

1. E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo Optimization of processes for extraction of vanadium compounds from spent vanadium catalysts / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2011. – Iss. 3. – P. 32–36.

2. I.M. Zharski, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, E.V. Kryshilovich Anodic and cathodic processes occurring during the extraction of V2O5 from vanadium electrolytes / Sviridov Readings. – 2011. – Iss. 7. – P. 52–57.

3. I.M. Zharski, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, E.V. Kryshilovich Reduction of vanadium compounds in leaching solutions of spent vanadium catalysts / Proceedings of BSTU: Chem. and Techn. of Inorg. Sub. – 2011. – Iss. 3. – P. 3–7.

4. E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova Vanadium compounds extraction from vanadium containing wastes / Actual problems of resource conservation and ecology. / Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia: a collection of papers. – 2011. – Iss. 13. – Vol. 1. – P. 402–408.

5. E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Anodic oxidation of vanadium (IV) compounds in sulfuric acid solutions / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2012. – Iss. 2. – P. 19–24.

6. E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, S.E. Orekhova, I.M. Zharski Cathodic reducrion of vanadium(IV) compounds in sulfuric acid solutions / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2012. – Iss. 4. – P. 10–16.

7. S.E. Orekhova, I.M. Zharski, I.I. Kurilo, I.V. Bychek, E.V. Kryshilovich Possibility to use hydrometallurgical methods for processing vanadium containing sludges og ThPS / Sviridov Readings. – 2012. – Iss. 8. – P. 115–123.

8. E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Vanadium extraction from leaching solutions be thermohydrolityc method / Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: Chem. Series. – 2013. – Iss. 1. – P. 30–35.

9. I.M. Zharski, I.I. Kurilo, I.V. Bychek, E.V. Kryshilovich Extraction of vanadium-containing products from the sludge of thermal power stations / Proceedings of BSTU: Chem. and Techn. of Inorg. Sub. – 2013. – Iss. 3. – P. 3–7.

10. I.M. Zharski, I.I. Kurilo, E.V. Kryshilovich, D.S. Kharitonov Methods for processing ash residues of ThPS vanadium containing slurry/ Proceedings of BSTU: Chem. and Techn. of Inorg. Sub. – 2014. – Iss. 3. – P. 23–26.

11. I.M. Zharski, I.I. Kurilo, E.V. Kryshilovich, D.S. Kharitonov Synthesis of pigment using products of vanadium containing industrial wastes utilization / Proceedings of BSTU: Chem. and Techn. of Inorg. Sub. – 2015. – Iss. 3. – P. 119–126.

Conference Papers:

1. Orekhova S.E., I.M. Zharski, I.I. Kurilo, E.V. Kryshilovich Using of Electrochemical Method for the Extraction of V2O5 in the Treatment of Vanadium Containing Industrial Wastes / XIX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry: Abstract Book in 4 volumes. – Volgograd, Russia (2011). – Vol. 4. – P. 126.

2. E.V. Kryshilovich, S.E. Orekhova Influence of Ultrasonic Processing on Degree of Vanadium Compounds Extraction from Spent Vanadic Catalysts of Sulfuric Acid Production / XIX Mendeleev Congress on general and applied chemistry : Abstract Book in 4 volumes.– Volgograd, Russia (2011). – Vol. 3. – P. 108.

3. E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, I.M. Zharski Vanadium compounds receipt from vanadium containing wastes / Energy Efficiency and Resource Saving : материалы Belarusian–German Seminar: Cooperation Belarus–Germany. – Minsk, Belarus (2013). – P. 54–56.

4. E.K. Rovba, E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo, V.I. Romanovski Receipt of ceramic materials using industrial vanadium containing wastes III Int. conf. on chem. and chem. technology – Erevan, Armenia (2013). – P. 195–196.

5. D.S. Kharitonov, E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo Electrochemical extraction of vanadium containing substances from industrial wastes / Int. forum First step in Science-2014, Minsk, Belarus, Vol. 1. – P. 105–110.

6. Yu.A. Ehorova, E.V. Kryshilovich, I.I. Kurilo Processes of vanadium containing waste treatment by chemical and electrochemical methods Int. conference – Technolgy–2014, Severodonetsk, Ukraine (2014). – Vol. 1. – P. 135–136.

7. E.V. Kryshilovich, D. S. Kharitonov, I. I. Kurilo Comparative evaluation of chemical and electrochemical ways of recycling of vanadium containing sludge, 67th Russian int. conference, Yaroslavl, Russia (2014). – P. 157.



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