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грода_ярослав_геннадьевич [2016/01/25 11:18]
грода_ярослав_геннадьевич [2016/01/25 11:47] (текущий)
Строка 13: Строка 13:
 **Основные публикации:​** ​ **Основные публикации:​** ​
 \\  1. Вихренко В.С., Бокун Г.С., Грода Я.Г. Равновесные и диффузионные характеристики интеркаляционных систем на основе решеточных моделей - Минск, БГТУ, 2008, 326 c. \\  1. Вихренко В.С., Бокун Г.С., Грода Я.Г. Равновесные и диффузионные характеристики интеркаляционных систем на основе решеточных моделей - Минск, БГТУ, 2008, 326 c.
-\\  2. Groda Y.G., Vikhrenko V.S., Poghosyan A.H., Hakobyan P.K., Arsenyan L.H., Shahinyan A.A. Conformation and diffusion properties of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone molecules // Electronic Journal of natural sciences // – 2015. – № 1 (24): Physical Chemistry. – P. 60-67. +\\  2. Groda Y.G., Vikhrenko V.S., Poghosyan A.H., Hakobyan P.K., Arsenyan L.H., Shahinyan A.A. Conformation and diffusion properties of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone molecules ​// Electronic Journal of natural sciences// – 2015. – № 1 (24): Physical Chemistry. – P. 60-67. 
-\\  3. Bokun G.S., Groda Ya.G., Lasovsky R.N., Vikhrenko V.S. Charge Distribution Around Nanoscale Nonhomogeneities in Solid State Ionics // Nanomaterials:​ Applications and Properties // – 2015 – Vol.4, no. 1. – Article 01PCSI07 (4 p.) +\\  3. Bokun G.S., Groda Ya.G., Lasovsky R.N., Vikhrenko V.S. Charge Distribution Around Nanoscale Nonhomogeneities in Solid State Ionics ​// Nanomaterials:​ Applications and Properties// – 2015 – Vol.4, no. 1. – Article 01PCSI07 (4 p.) 
-\\  4. Argyrakis P., Arapaki E., Dubinin S.V., Groda Ya.G., Vikhrenko V.S. Diffusion characteristics of particles on energetically disordered lattices // Solid State Ionics // – 2008. Vol. 179. – P. 143 – 147. +\\  4. Argyrakis P., Arapaki E., Dubinin S.V., Groda Ya.G., Vikhrenko V.S. Diffusion characteristics of particles on energetically disordered lattices ​// Solid State Ionics// – 2008. Vol. 179. – P. 143 – 147. 
-\\  5. Groda Ya.G., Lasovsky R.N., Vikhrenko V.S. Equilibrium and diffusional properties of two-level lattice systems: quasichemical and diagram approximation versus Monte Carlo simulation results // Solid State Ionics // – 2005. – vol. 176. – P. 1675 – 1680. +\\  5. Groda Ya.G., Lasovsky R.N., Vikhrenko V.S. Equilibrium and diffusional properties of two-level lattice systems: quasichemical and diagram approximation versus Monte Carlo simulation results ​// Solid State Ionics// – 2005. – vol. 176. – P. 1675 – 1680. 
-\\  6. Groda Ya.G., Argyrakis P., Bokun G.S. and V.S. Vikhrenko SCDA for 3D lattice gases with repulsive interaction // The European Physical Journal B // – 2003. – V. 32. – P. 527 – 535. +\\  6. Groda Ya.G., Argyrakis P., Bokun G.S. and V.S. Vikhrenko SCDA for 3D lattice gases with repulsive interaction ​// The European Physical Journal B// – 2003. – V. 32. – P. 527 – 535. 
-\\  7. Argyrakis P., Groda Ya.G., Bokun G.S. and V.S. Vikhrenko Thermodynamics and diffusion of a lattice gas on a simple cubic lattice // Physical Review E // – 2001. – Vol. E64. – art. no. 066108.+\\  7. Argyrakis P., Groda Ya.G., Bokun G.S. and V.S. Vikhrenko Thermodynamics and diffusion of a lattice gas on a simple cubic lattice ​// Physical Review E// – 2001. – Vol. E64. – art. no. 066108.
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грода_ярослав_геннадьевич.1453709903.txt.gz · Последние изменения: 2016/01/25 11:18 — Дмитрий